Monday, May 12, 2008


Did someone ever say that it would be boring with 2 boys running around? NEVER!!

We had a great weekend. Saturday we went to a friend's home in Keystone and had a bar-b-que. They have five acres and the boys had a blast. They swam, dug in dirt, caught bugs and catapillars, went on golf cart rides. But the highlight of the day was when they said the cows were coming!! Cows, what cows? Their property backs up to a dairy farm. The diary farm let the cows out and Hayden went crazy. Not only does that boy love animals but cows are usually at the top of the list. We tried to feed them grass but we were not very successful. Hayden said next time we need to bring hay with us.

Sunday was Mothers Day. We all had a great day. The boys painted ceramic figurines for me. Rick took them to buy me a beautiful necklace. (Who-hoo gotta love jewelry!) Mom bought me a Coach keychain (another of my favorite things). Rick got to go to the TPC golf tournament for the day. So my mom, Allison, the boys and I spent the day together.

Now, Monday came with lots of excitement. We are awaiting for our grandparents to arrive tomorrow but the biggest excitement was the fact that someone cut Hayden's hair. He said Hunter did it. Hunter said, "No way it wasn't me". So finally, after asking a bijillion times, Hayden admitted it was him. He is only three and will have to have a comb over until it grows out. Why do kids always do that right before a big event? I will be out looking for a baseball hat for him to wear to his birthday party on Friday night.


The Golfer and the Gardener said...

Wow - Hayden did a number with the scissors!

Unknown said...

I think it's cute!!