Tuesday, July 29, 2008

3 + 3; 5 + 1; 4 + 2

Anyway you look at it they all equal 6. That is a pretty imporant number for us today. It is Hunter's 6th birthday today!! I can remember all those special moments from the time I got the phone call to find out I was pregnant, to his delivery, the last five birthdays, his first day of preschool, and his first day of kindergarten. Gosh, where has all the time gone???? He keeps growing in wisdom and stature but some things never change....

  • He still won't eat peanut butter

  • Everything is still black and white in his world

  • He consistently must have the last word

  • He still whines (he is going to outgrow that, right?)
This last year has been amazing one of growth and knowledge for Hunter. He learned to read, write and addition. He tried karate and still can't decide if he likes it. He found that he loves mexican food. Moe's is his favorite restaurant. He learned to ride his bike without training wheels. We celebrate Hunter and all the amazing things that make him today!!

Here is the cake a made him last night!! Awwww yeah, I can't wait to cut it...

Here is the birthday boy right out of bed this morning...

Thanks to all of our family and friends for all of your love, support and encouragement for our boys. They wouldn't be where they are now without such amazing family. We love you all!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, our oldest grandson!! We'll call you today! We can't believe how much you've grown and learned. We love you so much and appreciate what a good mom and dad you have!!